

Hi, I'm Dylan! I'm a fourth year PhD student in the Machine Learning Department at CMU, where I am fortunate to be advised by Zico Kolter. I'm also student researcher at Google Research. My work is supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and an ARCS Scholarship. My research interests are in developing more aligned and robust deep learning methods. This includes studying the behavior and generalization of large pretrained models, their underlying training data, and their interactions with weak supervision or other forms of interpretable domain knowledge.

Before, I studied math and computer science at Brown University, where I was advised by Stephen Bach. In the past, I served as a research intern at Amazon AWS, the Bosch Center for AI, MIT, and NASA JPL. Outside of my studies and research, I enjoy playing tennis and am an avid soccer player/fan. If you are interested in my work, feel free to get in touch. I am always looking to chat about research and form new collaborations!
